Black Is Beautiful Stout

This beer is a collaboration started by Weathered Souls Brewing Co. to raise awareness for the injustices people of color face daily, raise funds for police brutality reform, and legal defenses for those who have been wronged. We wanted to let this beer shine as a timeless and classic beauty, thus making it an Oatmeal Stout. This stout is velvety on the palate, with bittersweet notes of chocolate malt, coffee, and dark fruit with a dry finish. Ringing in at 5% we created a sessionable version of this collaboration in hopes that you could sit and have a pint or 2 over constructive conversations generated by the purpose of this beer.


We will be donating the proceeds of this beer to Black Visions Collective. We envision a future in which everyone has access to justice and compassion, we will work hand-in-hand in our communities to root out systemic oppression and ensure this vision becomes a reality.






Not Currently Available

Flavor Notes

* Bittersweet Chocolate
* Coffee
* Roast
* Slight Dark Fruit


* Pale
* Dextrin
* Flaked Oats
* Malted Oats
* Chocolate
* Chocolate Wheat
* Pale Chocolate
* Dark Crystal


* Warrior


* Dry English Ale


* Maltodextrin

Beers Available in Bars & Liquor Stores

Peanut Butter Porter

In Bars & Liquor Stores

Dark & Roasty6.1%26 IBUYear Round

House IPA

In Bars & Liquor Stores

Hoppy7.0%50 IBUYear Round

Cream Ale

In Bars & Liquor Stores

Light & Crisp5.2%20 IBUYear Round

POG Sour

In Bars & Liquor Stores

Sour5.4%21 IBUSeasonal

Dark Fruited Sour

In Bars & Liquor Stores

Dark SourFruityTart6.5%20 IBUSeasonal

Cherries & Berries Sour

In Bars & Liquor Stores

FruitySour5.4%15 IBUAlmost Gone!

Citrus Session Pale Ale

In Bars & Liquor Stores

FruityPale Ale4.0%25 IBUSeasonal

Mango El Dorado IPA

In Bars & Liquor Stores

Fruited IPA6.5%50 IBUSeasonal


In Bars & Liquor Stores

Hoppy6.5%55 IBUAlmost Gone!

Chocolate Milk Stout

In Bars & Liquor Stores

Stout5.5%26 IBUSeasonal

Dark Czech Lager

In Bars & Liquor Stores

Dark & RoastyLager4.9%22 IBUSeasonal

Velour Hen • Belgian Tripel Ale

In Bars & Liquor Stores

Belgian8.5%21 IBUSeasonal

Helles Lager

In Bars & Liquor Stores

Light & Crisp5.0%18 IBUAlmost Gone!

Mexican Corn Lager

In Bars & Liquor Stores

Lager5.3%16 IBUAlmost Gone!

DangerLite American Lager

In Bars & Liquor Stores

Lager4.2%15 IBUAlmost Gone!

Imperial Pumpkin Ale

In Bars & Liquor Stores

Imperial AleSpiced8.5%20 IBUAlmost Gone!

Lichtenhainer: Tart Smoked Wheat Ale with Pineapple

In Bars & Liquor Stores

CrispSmokeyTart3.8%9 IBUAlmost Gone!

From Dawn Till Dusk: Imperial Cream Ale with Coffee & Milksugar

In Bars & Liquor Stores

CoffeeImperial Ale8.0%22 IBUAlmost Gone!

Pecan Brown

In Bars & Liquor Stores

Brown Ale5.7%20 IBUAlmost Gone!